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Posts tonen met het label Fund. Alle posts tonen

3 apr 2020


2020 MARCH 29th
working out a Crowd Funding Company for Cards and other printed Ephemera
Albert Van den Bosch asks for international participation
- in an internet platform covering ALL ephemera Lithography on printed cards between 1840 to 1920 ….
- like a Collectors Club, with an online Magazine giving and sharing information on all related matters
Browsing will be free to all collectors with interest and they can consult FREE all catalogues and articles
I will in coming months EXPAND with a Crowdfunding and therefor : ….. We I will insist asking, those who consults regulary my websites, to every-one, to reward me with a one-time donation :
Paypal to : Albert.van.den.bosch@Skynet.be
- donate 10$ as thank-you to me for maintaining the catalogues on my websites during last 30 years … at this moment that is www.collectomania.be thematic site and www.chromo.be the catalogue-Liebig-and_tradecards_website
- if donating 20$ you will have your name & email & and collecting interest in a consultable register,then mention in the Paypal payment eventual Nickname if you don’t want your real name labeled. The page we use at this moment is links of interest to collectors worldwide. This will be changed in futur in a whole geological structure, with links to continents, ephemera show, collector-clubs-events ….etc …so if 100$ donation is made, then your shop or market can be indicated
Those who want now, at this moment, to participate in the real Crowd funding by Paypalling investing sums … donate any amount they whish. I am a selfmade man and never got help, until now I helped myself an was only suported by my family. This injection give me the strength to search good helpers. And we will build the community of collectors strong enough through a participating website. I thanks you for supportive donations over 100$, And i assure you the following : all sums over 100$ can later be used by you to buy shares OR also can be exchanged for advertising purposes on the CROWD site as example. Your investing amount will give you also 50% discount whenever it is used on the crowd-websites, for a (my)lifetime on all published regular prices, on the Crowd Company. So the investment will have a return … especially if we grow ... then I will give 50 first donations or 10000 donations an option to buy at a lower price directly from the company … I got many such ideas to reward those who believe and participate in this project.
Those investors, will also be privileged in voting , as will be all members working for shares, at the frist original board of directors.
Also I will personally guaranty these members to be favored in all coming actions.
Some more ideas :
- if you have a business : 100$ donation will get your business in a geological register with you address and 10 lines of tekst+a photo ….this will also be the case for those deciding to put their collection-catalogues online on our side.
- there will be no printed versions of anything, all will work with acces online. We could decide in future : allow you printing our monthly newsmagazine
- you can yourself start a collectors fair or a shop with using OUR logo and get help & we can work out almost any Club you want to start in your region … with "internet conference facilities" an prepare using a Franchise-system ( to be developed) . I will have to work out the possibilities with ALL other will-be-shareholders … you are such a participant if you choose for your 100$ participation donation.
FURTHER ideas :
- on the Crowd site : info pages on all Expositions, bourses,museums, collector fairs, a worldwide calendar, newsmagazine online , messages, video and Publicity articles, tradecard and postcards club, catalogues ALL online … imagine the impact of an app for a geo map collectors route in all countries with stops at : collector shops and malls, collector-evening-club-meetings, markets, collector fairs, museums & addresses from collectors collecting same as you
- No real big changes in policy … the Catalogue-site  www.chromo.be  will remain FREE to use,many collectors worldwide use it daily … it is our Flagship.
- Only English : there will be no more translations, just use Google Translations yourself
- I will need, some helpers in my region to workout all this. Sure need help also in Antwerp with eventual software developing and a real administration . In the beginning … all such helpers will be rewarded with payment in shares ( that part will be deliberated in democratic gatherings …but we cannot put dates on this : on a certain moment you can buy shares .. And all this wil be discussed in these meetings)
I have a 60 years expertise on the whole collecting world.
- Many friends worldwide will expand this project. We will have to choose who can really participate on shares and how that can be managed. This will not be a small Club … I want a real Community span in a Company that revaels all collecting fields in the future
- ……so I see the future also for the real-international-working units as working with Franchise-share-holders
- To be one of my share holders without any money to invest … then you can be working share-holders-member : I will need in each country or region to organise club meetings, we will do the administration of membership and advertising. I will need software person, a legal advisor in my hometown Antwerp
All this will take time.
if interest to be a working collector-member then ….So then make the 20$ donation. So then you are inscribed and this way you show your belief. And have the advantage to be known. ONLY collectors will be admitted. So if you want to participate then FIRST make the Paypal payment ( I can send a Paypal invitation) .. Send me a short (please) mail describing your thoughts, feelings + CV +name & address, telephone and collector field, send to :
These are just ideas for plans and will have to be worked with physical helpers-share-holders … all above can be changed … particular the share-holders-part, that must first be legalised and will take a long time. But I want you to start immediately with participating, to follow up with the newsletter regarding this : If you are sure to want to participate too and live far from me, just pay a one-time-life-contribution 20$ at my Paypal account, it will in any case a good investment, you get 50% discounts and there are some rewards, you are a member, inscribed in the register that can be consulted worldwide for your collecting interests. You will be able to benefit more, i assure you. Await and read the Newsletters that will arrive and prepare actions
Further actions will be announced here with a link to a newsletter. This is just the beginning

 LATEST NEWS   2020 november 26th

updating day by day, until all scraps are photographed, a hell of a job :  

next update  ..... undecided, just found out that Blogger cannot be used for my purpose ........ i lost a month of work prearing all this but it seems that it is VERY complicated for interested collectors to login ... you must be member and make a blogger-account and prpare a  BLOG ... so 88 % of interested inloggers gave it up and capitulated ... so no folowers enough te keep this good work ...

I  will decide in a few weeks what to do to compensate and work out a new system ... what a lost time.  

for the moment all will be continued to be posted on  www.collectomania.be    there in the search (please wait a few days) you will have to input          the word                 INV   and then you will get the 105.000 photos scanned until now ...second option a week later will be in this quadrant a photo to click on : with the text  DIGITAL FULL  INVENTORY

and click on that photo

 I think I will be ready with this around 3 November 2020
