The Liebig Company had a lot of compitors on their product ... many used false methods, conterfeiting the product, using the same name with a word more, some even identic (just in other country ) and they paid extra to the shop-owners to put their product next to Liebig pots and packages.
Liebig fought in the first years in the courts of many countries, but that costed a lot of money. After 30 years of experience they used a new system. They bougt all properties, ships, locations and even directors of those Companies. Good examples of these pratices were the factories of Cibils and KEMMERICH they even proposed to Profesor Kemmerich to be their head of the Liebig Company AND that was a succes ..
The firm Cibils had their headquarter also in Antwerp and that Company was bought in bits and pieces until they surendered. Cibils was very succesfull and their advertising cards had same dimensions and were VERY impressive. That is the reason that I expose here their publications to prove it :
Enjoy !!!
Album 01 Cibils